Trump Cards -- a real game changer! This custom deck of comical playing cards is just perfect for whiling away those long hours in anticipation of the next inauguration. Check out these exclusive features:
Face cards depicting caricatures of America's wannabe royalty.
Slanted to the right for the comfort of those who are not playing with a full deck.
No Hearts, no Spades, just new suits that actually fit: Screws, Twits, Clubs and Caps.
Back side is black and white, the way conservatives see the world.
Easy to mark, for those who like to cheat; requires only a black Sharpie (not included).
Don’t bother counting the pips -- in many cases, the numbers don’t add up.
Includes two clownish Wild Cards.
High quality cards that are as easy to shuffle as the White House staff.
Victim Card and Race Card not included.